AmyLyLee (offline)

  • Clan
  • WeNeedßestFriend
  • Nation
  • Elmorad
  • Class
  • Priest
  • Level
  • 72
  • National Points
  • 7,734
  • Monthly NP
  • 0
  • Country Flag
  • Location
  • Moradon (192, 303)
  • Stats
  • STR
  • 255
  • DEX
  • 70
  • INT
  • 76
  • HP
  • 86
  • MP
  • 50

Moradon (192, 303)

Old Exceptional Deep Scar(+4)
(Upgrade Item)

Attack Power : 86
Attack Speed : SLOW
Effective Range : 2.30
Weight : 5.00
Max Durability : 10000
Current Durability : 10000
Priest Earring (Begginer)
(Craft Item)

HP Bonus : 25
MP Bonus : 20
Health Bonus : 4
Intelligence Bonus : 3
Resistance to Flame : 3
Resistance to Glacier : 3
Resistance to Lightning : 3
Resistance to Magic : 3
Resistance to Poison : 3
Resistance to Curse : 3